Hi everyone,
Thanks for completing the poll.
I can confirm the first working group call will take place 22nd August at 12:00 UTC/ 13:00
BST / 14:00 CEST on zoom -
We’ll send a draft agenda for the meeting nearer the time.
Kind regards,
On 1 Aug 2023, at 12:02, Bijal Sanghani
<bijal(a)euro-ix.net> wrote:
Hi all,
We are looking to schedule the first call for the RFC8950 working group, if you are
interested in joining the meeting please complete the below poll by Thursday 3rd August.
If you have any questions please let me know.
Kind regards, Bijal
On 20 Jul 2023, at 11:21, Aleksi Suhonen
<aleksi.suhonen(a)trex.fi> wrote:
Excerpt from
Bijal: 17:41
Hi everyone, i know some of you are on holidays at the moment but could we schedule a
meeting for either 8th August or 22nd August 12:00 UTC / 13:00 BST / 14:00 CEST to get
things going? Can you let me know your preference and we'll go with the majority.
Axu_TREX: 09:35
Bijal: 15:17
...Or @Axu_TREX can send a poll :slightly_smiling_face:
+358 44 9756548 /
Aleksi Suhonen / TREX Regional Exchanges Oy
You say "potato", I say "closest-exit."
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